Abu Dhabi Airport Business City

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Abu Dhabi Airport Business City

Abu Dhabi Airports Free Zone operates Airports' Free Zones, a Logistics Park, Business Parks, Business Centers and One Stop Shop Services. Its jurisdiction spreads across more than 10.6 Km2 around Abu Dhabi International Airport covering five commercial districts: Logistics Park, Business Park, Destination Village, Al Falah District and Airport City.

COMPANY TYPES in Abu Dhabi Airport Business City

Abu Dhabi Airport Business City allows three types of company types or business entities within its premises:


Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC) – Corporate

A company or a legal entity formed by a corporate or business entity. The minimum capital requirement depends on the activity.

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC) – Natural/Individual

A company or a legal entity formed by a natural person or an individual. The minimum capital requirement depends on the activity.

Branch of a Foreign or Local Company

A branch of an existing foreign or local company in Dubai Airport Free Zone. No minimum share capital required.

Abu Dhabi Airport Business City INCENTIVES & BENEFITS

  • 100% foreign company ownership
  • 100% corporate and income tax exemptions
  • 100% capital and profit repatriation
  • 24/7 security and access to facilities
  • Independent regulations
  • Easy-to-do business processes
  • Easy access to the regional markets

For more details, get in touch with us.

Abu Dhabi Airport Business City

Abu Dhabi Airports Free Zone operates Airports' Free Zones, a Logistics Park, Business Parks, Business Centers and One Stop Shop Services. Its jurisdiction spreads across more than 10.6 Km2 around Abu Dhabi International Airport covering five commercial districts: Logistics Park, Business Park, Destination Village, Al Falah District and Airport City.


Company Types in Abu Dhabi Airport Business City

Abu Dhabi Airport Business City allows three types of company types or business entities within its premises:

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC) – Corporate
A company or a legal entity formed by a corporate or business entity. The minimum capital requirement depends on the activity.
Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC) – Natural/Individual
A company or a legal entity formed by a natural person or an individual. The minimum capital requirement depends on the activity.
Branch of a Foreign or Local Company>
A branch of an existing foreign or local company in Dubai Airport Free Zone. No minimum share capital required.


Abu Dhabi Airport Business City INCENTIVES & BENEFITS

100% foreign company ownership
100% corporate and income tax exemptions
100% capital and profit repatriation
24/7 security and access to facilities
Independent regulations
Easy-to-do business processes
Easy access to the regional markets

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