Accounting Workshops

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Accounting Workshops

Do any of these statements resonate with you?

    • I look at my statements and it’s all Greek & Latin to me.  I rely on my bank balance to see how I’m doing.
    • I am very busy getting more business & have no time to manage my books. My sales are good, so I must be making profits.
    • I feel I do not need to do my accounts right now. I have just started. I will do it when my business grows.

    Did you know you have a better chance at winning in a Las Vegas casino than succeeding in business? Well that’s true. More than 75% businesses fail in their first 2 years and you have 50% chance in winning in a casino.

    Take chance out of your Business success! Control your finances and do not let your finances control you!

Questions to ask yourself

Your company’s financial information is the ultimate metric of success.

  • If you’re not comfortable understanding the nuances of those metrics, what are the chances that you’re missing opportunities to improve them?
  • How will you stay a step ahead of other senior managers?
  • Who can you talk to when a board member asks a complex question that you feel you should have the answer to, but don’t?
  • Do you really want to show your staff how vulnerable you can be in this critical area?

With the finance coaching program, we will tailor our services to each individual’s needs.  Whether you are just starting out, a seasoned investor, or a small business; our services can be used to fill any gaps within your current financial structure.

Who should attend?

  • This workshop will empower you with:

    • Knowledge on how to stay Organized
    • Build a set of Key Metrics that are Accurate, Timely & Reliable
    • Tips you can implement immediately
    • Tools to gain Financial Clarity & Direct your business towards Growth & Profitability

What is covered

This workshop is aimed to educate and equip entrepreneurs and decision makers with the following:

  • Importance of Accounting & Benefits of Good Bookkeeping
  • Understanding of the Various Financial Statements & Key Terminology
  • Use Accounting for Strategic Decision Making
  • Ready Templates to Get Self-Started

Cash Flow Secrets for Growth

  • Profit is an Opinion, but Cash is a Fact. Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business and matters more than earnings.

    5 Workshop Take Aways:

    • Why cash flow is king over profit & turnover
    • Uncover hidden cash in your business
    • Cash flow strategies via case studies
    • Funding growth through cash flow
    • Cash flow for business valuation

Built to Sell: 8 Things That Drive Your Company Value looks at eight strategies for driving up the value of a company

  • If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you use your Profit & Loss (P&L) statement as your report card at the end of the year. You may even use your P&L to figure out what your company is worth by applying a multiple to your profit. But having worked with more than 20,000 entrepreneurs using The Value Builder System™, we’ve seen examples of companies that fetch up to three times more than the average price for companies in their industry.

    Whether you want to sell your business – or just know that you could – you’ll learn the eight things that drive the value of your company and suggestions on how to dramatically increase the value of your business.

    During this session, we’ll look at how to:

    • Structure your business like Jason Fried re-positioned Basecamp to maximize its value.
    • Accelerate the pace of positive word-of-mouth for your business, using the same techniques as companies like Eventbrite, Intuit, Google and Apple.
    • Differentiate your business using the same methodology Warren Buffet looks for in the companies in which he invests.
    • Minimize your company’s reliance on your personal involvement using some of the strategies  used to reduce the time he spent in his business to just four hours a week.
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